Our Supply Chain Suite of Components
Secure Working (Cloud Native)

Open sourced collaboration between EclipseSource, Lockular, Ericsson, STMicroelectronics to bring design IDEs to the Cloud in the form of provenance controlled sandboxes.

NFT Marketplace

A publicly accessible platform crafted for the exchange of IP snippets, available in both free and paid formats.

Workflow Actor Management

Leveraging smart contract technology to track organisation structure and partner relationships, facilitating a robust sharing regime.

Secure Filesystem featuring Provenance Reporting

A robust encryption system that partitions data into shares. Its disassembly and reassembly operations are overseen by parachain logic, facilitating immutable audits of filesystem activities.

Secure Artifact Store

A meticulously curated repository of digital assets fortified by a smart contract framework and the robust security of the Lockular Secure Filesystem.

IoT Sensors

A suite of adapters designed for IoT devices, enabling secure capture, communication and storage of supply chain data.